Unit 40: What were you doing?

1. Were you still asleep?

(Stephen works for The Weekly Echo as a reporter. He's often late for work.)

Helen So there you are.
HelenWhat were you doing when I rang an hour ago? Were you still asleep?
HelenI thought you were—"This is Stephen Collins. Who's that?"
StephenI was having breakfast when the phone rang.
HelenHaving breakfast—at ten o'clock?
Stephen I had a late night last night. I was working until midnight.
StephenYes—well, most of the time.
HelenTom wanted to see you.
HelenHe said he always got up at six when he was a young newspaper reporter. And when he was your age, he started work at eight every day.
HelenHe wanted to know if you started work at eleven o'clock every day.
StephenOf course not. Er — where is he?
HelenIn his office. He said he was waiting for you.
StephenOh, well. I'll go and see him. By the way, what's all this?
HelenPaul Oldman is in town today. I'm going to talk to him for The Weekly Echo.
StephenThat's strong.
HelenI know.

2. Did you see the accident?

(George Miller, an old man, was there when the accident happened.)

EdithGeorge, this young man's from the newspaper, The Weekly Echo.
StephenHello, Mr. Miller.
GeorgeHe smells.
EdithLots of young men smell. Anyway—it's nice. (To Stephen) He wanted to know if you worked for The Weekly Echo.
StephenMr. Miller, you saw the accident, I believe, in South Street, yesterday.
GeorgeI told the policeman. I was walking down South Street when the accident happened.
EdithI'll make a cup of tea.
StephenYes, go on, Mr. Miller.
GeorgeWell, when I was walking down South Street, this accident happened.
StephenYes. There were two cars, I believe.
GeorgeYes, that's right. Two cars had an accident— while I was walking down South Street.
StephenCould you tell me about it, Mr. Miller? What happened?
GeorgeWell, I told the policeman. I said I always walk down South Street in the afternoon.
StephenYes, but did you see the accident, Mr. Miller?
GeorgeI walk down South Street every day, and I look in the shop windows. I was looking in a shop window when the accident happened.
StephenYou were looking in a shop window? So you didn't see the accident?
GeorgeNo. That's what I told the policeman.
EdithHere's the tea. Did you tell him, George?
StephenYes, he told me. He was looking in a shop window when the accident happened.
EdithOh, good.
GeorgeWhy does he smell?
EdithSh! (To Stephen) He wanted to know if you take sugar in your tea.
StephenNo, thanks.

3. A good actor can be anything.

(Paul Oldman is in town. Helen goes and interviews him.)

HelenCan I ask you some questions, Mr. Oldman?
HelenThanks, Paul. And I'm Helen. Can we talk about you?
PaulAbout me? Isn't there a more interesting subject we can talk about? Well, if we must talk about me, my first film was Holiday Hotel.People told me I was quite good in that.
HelenOh, you were.
PaulThat was in 1968. And then there was October Night. I played a doctor in that film.
HelenI remember.
PaulIn 1971,1 was the husband in Green Valley. In 1972,1 was in Bus Driver.
HelenYou were the bus driver.
PaulOf course.
HelenAnd you got married that year.
PaulDid I? Oh, yes, to Pauline. Dear Pauline. Then in 1973 I was the king in Small Country. Some people said I was a big king in a small country.
Helen" ... a big king in a small country."
PaulNow, that's enough, Helen. You don't want to hear any more about me.
HelenOh, I do.
PaulWell, there's very little to say, really. In 19741 played Charles West in West is West. I got my Oscar in 1975, of course. That was for Friday Night Flowers. Oh—and I got married again —to Barbara. That's right, in 1975. Then in 1976 there was that very good film, Peter's Problem. Very funny. And after that people knew I could be funny, as well as serious. People don't think you can be both, Helen, but a good actor can be anything. Then in 1977 I was "the other man" in The Only Man. And I got married to Jennifer. 1978 — I was in American Airport. 1979, well, you know what I did in 1979, I'm sure—The Beach.
HelenOh, yes. It was very good.
PaulI am not going to say another word about me. Now we are going to talk about you.
Helen What do you want to know, Paul?

4. I want to know about you.

PaulI want to know about you, Helen. What do you think of my last film?